Register now for a course

Would you like to participate in a K’werk course?

Once you have decided on which course, please read the Terms and Conditions and then fill out the registration form.
Please note that workshop places limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

You will be sent an invoice which is also confirmation of participation and it must be paid within 30 days. The course participants are not insured against accidents. The parents are liable for their children.

If the cost of the course exceeds the family’s ability to pay, we can grant a 50% discount using a dedicated fund from Migros Culture Percentage. Parents can register in advance by calling K’werk administration. And of course, your details will be treated confidentially.

  • Registration for Drawing & painting
  • Please insert your child’s first name.
  • Please insert your child’s surename.
  • Please insert your child’s date of birth.
  • Please insert your adress.
  • Please insert your adress with postcode and town.
  • Please insert your adress with postcode and town.
  • Please insert your surename.
  • Please insert your telephonenumber.
  • Please insert your email.
  • Please insert a correct email.
  • Read and accepted Terms and Conditions.
  • Fields marked with * must be filled out.
  • Please fill in one form per child.
  • Course participant
  • Parent
  • Redeem a gift voucher
  • Read and accepted Terms and Conditions *

If you contact us using the form on this website or by e-mail, your details will be saved by us for processing the request and in the event of any further questions, but they will not be passed on to third parties or used for other purposes (e.g. mailings) and not published. This website does not use cookies.