Newsletter 2024#7

Neuerungen im 2025

Happy news for 2025:

We are celebrating our anniversary, a whole 15 years in fact!

This is of course a reason to celebrate, but also a reason to try out a few new things. So we have also put together our first highlights for you:

In January, a “Winter Night's Dream” for the little ones will start in cooperation with the Unterägeri music school and there will be a special vacation course during the sports vacations, as K'werk Zug has been invited to Zurich as part of the activities of the host canton of Zug! But first things first.

Winter Night's Dream

In collaboration with concert pianist Corina Bächinger, Marina Tomic playfully guides children through the inspiring world of sound, movement and art. Children aged 4 to 6 are very welcome to this weekend course!

There are still a few places available. Register right here.

Haus Saal Musica, Unterägeri

4–6 Years

Saturday/Sunday, 9:30–11:30 a.m.

January 11/12/18/19, 2025

Sechseläuten in Zürich

The canton of Zug has the honor of being the guest canton at Zurich's “Sächsilüüte” in 2025 and has invited K'werk Zug to take part in the children's parade. What an honor! It's also a huge opportunity to present ourselves and show off our skills. And that's where the children of the Zuger Bildschule come in, of course.

We have developed a great concept for the parade and will be building mythical creatures that we can carry along. To make sure we have enough time for this, we are offering a sports vacation course as an exception.

So: register now and join in!

Send your children, your godchildren, your nephews and all your neighbors' children to this unique sports holiday course! Together with the organizing committee, we will give the children an unforgettable and unique experience at Zurich's “Sächsilüüte”.

February 3–7, 10 a.m.–3 p.m.

Saturday, April 26, 1–5 p.m.

Sechseläuten Zürich, April 27, 9 a.m.–6 p.m.

9–14 years

Winter showcase

On January 25, we proudly present works from our courses and cordially invite you to join us. Come along, marvel and chat with us!

Winter showcase: Saturday, January 25, 2025, 1-4 p.m. at K'werk Zug

You can pick up your works either directly after the show or on the following Wednesday, January 29, 2025 between 14:00 - 15:30. Thank you very much!

After all the information, we look forward to meeting your child in one of the new courses and to chatting with you at our exhibition and marveling at the new works.

Your K'werk Zug team

Zur Gesamtübersicht

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