The association aims to continuously promote the creative expression of children and adolescents under expert guidance. For this purpose, the association runs K’werk Zug as part of the Konferenz Bildschulen Schweiz, of which it is a member. K’werk Zug maintains contacts with authorities and other institutions.
Brigit Eriksson-Hotz, Baar
Sussi Hodel, Unterägeri
Martin Spillmann, Zug
Erika Wagner, Lucerne
Barbara Windholz, Unterägeri
Erich Barth, Restaurateur, Oberägeri
Gaby und Gert Billing, Galerie Billing Bild, Baar
Sylvia Binzegger, Baar
Armon Caviezel, former Animation Music School, canton Zug
Barbara Gysel, Ständerätin, Zug
Richard Hafner, former Music School Director, Unterägeri
Maria Hügin, Geschäftsführerin, Zug
Dr. Matthias Michel, Ständerat, Oberwil b. Zug
Johanna Näf, Artist, Luzern
Carla Renggli, Art shop & Gallery, Zug
Patrick Röösli, Kantonsrat , Zug
Dr. Werner Schaeppi, Kommunikationsforscher und -berater, Zug
Christina Spörri, Pediatrician, Unterägeri
Vroni Straub-Müller, Oberwil b. Zug
K’werk Zug is organised as a non-profit organization. We are grateful for your support and look forward to all contributions. Donations can be deducted from taxes.
K’werk Zug Förderverein
Zuger Kantonalbank
IBAN CH96 0078 7007 7151 9300 3.
Supported by the Canton of Zug
City of Zug Department of Education
Municipality of Baar
Municipality of Cham
Municipality of Unteraegeri
Beisheim Stiftung
Migros Kulturprozent
Glencore International AG
Zuger Kantonalbank
As well as other patrons, sponsors and members of the association.